Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How to find Components version in R12

Apache Version

$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/httpd -v

Go to reports path Then type: -

string -a APXAPRVL.rdf|grep Header

Perl Version

$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl -v|grep built

Java Version

sh -c "`awk -F= '$1 ~ /^JSERVJAVA.*$/ {print $2}' $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/` -version;"

Jre version

cat $FORMS_WEB_CONFIG_FILE|grep sun_plugin_version| cut -c 1-35

Forms Version

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/frmcmp_batch|grep Forms| grep Version

Plsql Version

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/frmcmp_batch|grep PL/SQL|grep Version

Forms Communication mode

cat $FORMS_WEB_CONFIG_FILE|grep serverURL=
echo "If the serverURL parameter has no value then Forms is implemented in socket mode else it is servlet"

How to find Apps Version
select release_name from apps.fnd_product_groups;

Web Server/Apache or Application Server in Apps 11i/R12
Log in as Application user, set environment variable and run below query$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/httpd -version

Forms & Report version in R12/12i
Log in as Application user, set environment variable and run below query
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/rwrun | grep Release

 Oracle Jinitiator in 11i/R12/12i
Log in as Application user, set environment variable and run below query
grep jinit_ver_comma $CONTEXT_FILE

(Default is Java Plug-In for R12/12i )
Oracle Java Plug-in in 11i/R12/12i
Log in as Application user, set environment variable and run below query
grep plugin $CONTEXT_FILE.

File Version on file system
adident Header
strings | grep Header
Here adident is AD Utility (Oracle Apps) and strings is Unix utility.

Version of pld file
*.pld are source code of *.pll which are inturn source of *.plx.  *.pll is in $AU_TOP/resource and to find its version check

adident Header $AU_TOP/resource/.pll
$Header IGSAU012.pld 115.1.115100.1 2004/04/01 05:40:18 appldev ship $
strings $AU_TOP/resource/.pll | grep -i header
FDRCSID(’$Header: IGSAU012.pld 115.1.115100.1 2004/04/01 05:40:18 appldev ship $’);

Workflow Version with Apps
select TEXT Version from   WF_RESOURCES where  NAME = ‘WF_VERSION’;
Identity Management component Version/Release Number

Oracle Single Sign On
select version from orasso.wwc_version$;
Oracle Internet Directory
There are two component in OID (Software/binaries & Schema/database)
To find software/binary version
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/oidldapd -version
To find Schema Version/ database use
ldapsearch -h -p -D “cn=orcladmin” -w “” -b “” \ -s base “objectclass=*” orcldirectoryversion 
select attrval from ods.ds_attrstore where entryid = 1 and attrname = ‘orcldirectoryversion’;

 Application Server
Oracle Application Server 10g Rel 3 (10.1.3.X)
cat $ORACLE_HOME/config/ | grep Version
For Oracle Application Server 10.1.2 (Prior to Oracle WebLogic Server)
If application server is registered in database (Portal, Discoverer) check from database
select * from ias_versions;
AOC4J (Oracle Container for J2EE)
cd $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home
java -jar oc4j.jar -version 

Oracle Portal
select version from portal.wwc_version$; 

Database Component 
To find database version
select * from v$version;
All component version in database
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory -detail
Unix Operating System
Solaris -> cat /etc/release
Red Hat Linux -> cat /etc/redhat-release

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